So what that all means is your goal is to pick a specific Relic type for a game mode that you want and try to obtain the best grade of Relic (3 stars) of that type for each team member. The bonuses are Guidance of Truth: Def +7%, Solemn Ringing: HP +5%, Eternal Unity: Crit Hit Chance +5%, Holy Vow: Atk +5% Party Relic Set Options are awarded if everyone in your party has a similar type of relic. Sub options are things like: +Dmg to bosses, +PvP Dmg, +Crit Multiplier, +Melee/Ranged AoE damage to nearby enemies every x seconds, Recover +HP every 5 seconds, +5% Relic obtain chance and Mystic Resistance. RelicsIt’s important to note that despite a relic’s VERY long list of potential stats, it can only be granted 2 Basic options, 1 Sub option and 1 Party Relic Set Option.īasic options are things like +3% Atk, +3% Def, +3% HP, +7% Heal, +%2 Crit and +7% Skill Damage Okay, so I wanted to write a guide to go over the way Expedition works and how it will integrate into your daily routine.