Kindle book that downloaded via Kindle desktop or desktop website will be in. azw: AZW is the format that Amazon store dispenses and it is encrypted with kindle drm. The mobi format also use the PRC extension. Amazon purchased the Mobipocket and adapted the format for use on kindle. mobi: Mobi format is the very old kindle format and it is originally created by French company Mobipocket. What ebook format does kindle employ to their ebooks? Amazon use a variety of ebook formats, and below are the 5 most common Kindle ebook file formats. Hope this can save your time and help you make right decision. We’ve compiled a list of the best free and paid options to help you choose the best kindle drm removal for you. Most of these Kindle converters are available for both Windows and Mac, and some of them even work on Linux. Some Kindle drm removals allow you to remove drm from kindle books so that you can backup it for later use, while others are limited to convert the drm-free kindle books. There are numerous kindle drm removals when you google in the internet. Or just simply print the kindle books for your study. Once you have the drm-free kindle books on your computer, you can read it on your iPad, or even transfer it to your Kobo devices. Kindle DRM Removal is a program that can help you remove drm from kindle books, or even convert kindle books to DRM-free epub or pdf files.